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The 1965 UFO
![]() The Rex Heflin photographs in panorama Created: July 12, 2006, updated 6 Dec. 2012 This year encompasses more recognized incidents in
one group than any other year I am aware of, other than
1952. To name a few: The May 6 Philippine Sea
radar case, the July 3 E-M case at Antarctica, the
Aug. 3 Santa Ana/Rex Heflin photo incident, the Aug. 2
(or 3rd) Tulsa, OK/Alan Smith photo, the Aug. 19 Cherry
Creek, NY, trace case, the Sept. 2/3 Exeter, NH close
encounter, and the famous Edwards AFB encounter of Oct.
7. All this followed by the Northeast Power Grid Failure
of November 9th. Our thanks for these chronologies must
go to our documentation team: Richard Hall (the original
chronology from UFOE II), Rebecca Wise (Project Blue
Book Archive), Dan Wilson (archive researcher), Brad
Sparks (Comprehensive Catalog of Project Blue Book
Unknowns), and Jean Waskiewicz (online NICAP DBase).
This chrono also documents the 1965 flap near Virginia.
NICAP Site CoordinatorFran Ridge The 1965 UFO Chronology___________________________________________________ The unredacted versions
of the January Blue Book docs showing many of the
cases are linked here:
Early in January, 1965; ??? Vermont Dusk. State Pathologist Dr. Richard Woodruff and a Vermont State trooper saw three orange objects cross the sky in succession. They were also seen by four persons living in Randolph.4 Jan. 1, 1965; Norfolk, Virginia (BB) 3:13 a.m. EST. A Norfolk Police patrolman observed in the western sky one round large light leading 7-8 smaller bright lights in trail in single file formation on a straight and level flight path from south to north. The large light had the apparent size of a dime held at arm's length. A split second before the final disappearance another large object seemed to shoot out ahead of the original large object. The observer was prompted to report his sighting after the local news announced the Patuxent River Naval Air Station radar tracking of two UFOs on 29 December. Jan. 5, 1965; Lynchburg, Virginia (BB) On this date, (exact time not given) witnesses observed a round circle of light high in the sky moving southward. The object would pause then continue on course. This was reported to the Weather Bureau at the Lynchburg Airport by telephone. The area was scanned for 30 minutes by a AN/FPS-6 height finder radar. The length of the visual observation was 5 minutes. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan. 5, 1965; Wallops Island, VA (BB) 5:56 p.m. EST. A NASA engineer, M. Dempsey Bruton, head of the Wallops Island (Virginia) tracking station, observed a round bright yellow light rising from the horizon at 200 degrees azimuth. The apparent size of the object was that of a nickel held at arm's length. As the object reached an overhead position it disappeared. The length of observation was approximately 8-9 seconds. The witness claims that his wife and brother-in-law made the same observation. (Section IV; Section VIII). Jan. 8, 1965; Georgetown, South Carolina (BB) 9:00 p.m. EST. A civilian observed two lighted objects approaching from SE over the ocean between Georgetown and Charleston. The objects were at an estimated altitude of 2-3 miles. The objects made an "U" turn and then went back out to sea. The objects' speed was estimated as faster than jets. There was no sound. Objects apparently caused TV interference. (Dan Wilson, Project Blue Book files) Jan. 10, 1965; South Boston, Virginia (BB) 7:15 p.m. EST. The observer Strickland heard a hissing noise and looked up to see a large object with a long trail of sparks moving across the sky from north to south. After a few minutes the witness heard several planes overhead. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan.10, 1965; Silver Springs, Maryland (BB) Night. Three members of family observed a bright white light (1/2 size of the size of an automobile?), flying straight from NW to SE. The object was believed to be 200 feet from the ground and in level flight at 45 degrees elevation. The sky was overcast and visibility was 4 miles, according to the RECORD CARD. The length of observation was 5-10 seconds.The time given for the sighting on the RECORD CARD is 1555Z which converts to 10:55 a.m. EST. The time given on the JOINT MESSAGE FORM says 1555Z, at night. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan. 11, 1965; Washington, DC 4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communications system specialists observed 12-15 white ovals maneuvering erratically across the sky, with jets seen in pursuit apparently from Andrews AFB. Among the witnesses were Messrs. Paul M. Dickey, Jr. and Edward Shad. The Defense Department denied the incident. The witnesses have publicly maintained their story. (Section II). Jan. 12, 1965: Blaine AFB, Wash. (BBU) 1:00 a.m. Member of a federal agency, who was driving
toward the base, saw a low-flying object, 30 ft in
diameter, which avoided collision at the last moment. He
got out of the car and saw it hovering for 1 min, then
fly off at high speed. Object tracked on radar. Same
night, a round, glowing object with a dome on top landed
on a nearby farm, melting snow in a 30 ft diameter
circle. (UFOE II, Section V; Vallée Magonia 630;
NICAP March 1965; BB files??)
Jan. 12, 1965; Wallops Island, Virginia 6:30 p.m., a bright yellow object was seen for two minutes by Mr. and Mrs. Milliner, NASA public relations employees, on Wallops Island, Virginia. Jan. 12, 1965; Lynden, WA
Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop down, hover near car, accelerate up into clouds with rushing air sound (section V). Jan. 14, 1965; Thaxton, Virginia (BB) 4:30 p.m. EST. McManaway while watching a B-52 high in the sky saw a cigar-shaped object larger than the B-52. The object was heading east at an estimated 2,000 mph. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan. 14, 1965; Wilmot, NH Cat. 3. Luminous object hovering, humming sound, electricity resumed when object sped away. Jan. 14, 1965; Staunton, Virginia 4:45 p.m. An object was seen over Staunton by Carl Billings and Jody Smith. Jan. 14, 1965; Dooms, Virginia 6:00 p.m. A stationary light was seen over Dooms by seven students and a bus driver. Jan. 14, 1965; ???, Virginia 12:00 p.m. Mr. James Myers, saw a circular object rise from the ground. Jan. 15, 1965: Between Wilmot and Enfield, N.H. (BB) At 10 p.m. a former Manchester newsman, Mr. Charles Knee, Jr., was driving on Route 4-A when the radio suddenly stopped, the lights on the car went out and the engine quit. He lost control of the car and pulled to the side of the road and then heard a loud humming sound like a high frequency electrical whine. He then opened the car door and stepped out. He looked up and saw a very bright light below the cloud cover at around 2,000 to 5,000 feet altitude which looked about the size of a flashlight held at arm's length pointed toward his face. It seemed to hover for a moment and then it took off to the south traveling very fast. As the light left and the whine died away the car's lights and radio came on and the motor started. The whole thing lasted about 15 or 20 seconds. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan.18, 1965; Buchanan, Virginia (BB) 6:00 p.m. EST. Three children observed a round object with 3 rings like donuts stacked one on the other moving directly overhead. The object seemed to be high when first sighted to the north. The object paused momentarily and appeared to descend slightly, then ascend and continued on course to the south at a fast rate of speed. It was observed for 2 to 5 minutes. A check with the Washington Air Defense Sector revealed that there were no aircraft under their operational control at the time of the sighting. The area was scanned by a AN/FPS-6 height finder radar 45 minutes after the sighting. (Dan Wilson) Jan. 19, 1965; Brand's Flats, Virginia 5:40 p.m. An industrial worker observed two circular flying objects hovering at low altitude over an archery range. The smaller object (diameter 20 feet) landed 15 to 18 yards from the witness. Three beings about three feet tall emerged, uttered unintelligible noises, and returned to the object, which then took off.(Section XII). Jan. 20, 1965; Long Beach, Mississippi (BB) 9:40 a.m. CST. A silver like object was seen moving west, traveling slow and high and passed directly above Burke St. observer. The object was transparent as if made of glass or plastic. It seemed to have two people aboard, one in front and the other seemed to be sitting facing the back of' the capsule holding something large like a camera. The length of observation was not reported. (Dan Wilson) Jan. 21, 1965; Richmond, Virginia (BB) 7:10 p.m. EST. A bright light, the size compared with a half dollar held at arm's length was observed hovering over the tower of radio station WTVR. After hovering for a few seconds the object appeared to move rapidly to the north and disappear over the horizon. The light was seen for approximately 45 seconds. (Dan Wilson, BB docs) Jan. 22 (4th ?), 1965; Baltimore, Maryland (BB) 5:25 p.m. EST. A 10 year-old boy and 4 adults observed an egg-shaped object that went way up in the sky. The object suddenly dove down and disappeared far beyond the observers. [Two different dates are given for this sighting. Form 164 gave January 4th while the letter gave January 22nd] (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files). Jan. 23, 1965; Lightfoot, N of Williamsburg, Virginia (BBU 9242) 8:40 a.m. Cars stalled near intersection of US Hwy 60
and State Route 614, witness T. F. Mains saw light-bulb
or mushroom-shaped object 75-80 ft tall, 10-25 ft wide,
metallic gray, red-orange and blue glows, hovering over
nearby field about 4 ft off the ground, making a vacuum
cleaner-type noise, suddenly accelerate horizontally to
the W against the wind and disappear. 25 seconds, two
autos disabled (UFOE II, Section VIII; Berliner; cf.
Hynek UFO Rpt pp. 177-8; Vallée Magonia 633)
Jan. 24-28, 1965; Unknown location in Alaska (BBU) (McDonald List) Jan. 24, 1965; Richmond, Virginia A radio newsman and his wife saw an orange ball of light streak across the sky and "blink out" over Richmond.5 Jan. 24, 1965; Salem, Virginia Five college students reported that an oval object kept pace with their car on a darkened highway near Salem. The object, at an altitude of about 400 feet, was observed to have three yellow lights and one green. Jan. 24, 1965; Verona, Virginia A couple reported seeing a bright yellow light that hovered overhead for about five minutes before heading for Staunton. Jan 25, 1965, Marion, Virginia A policeman and several other witnesses observed an object which took off from a wooded area on a hill. Traces were allegedly found. Jan. 25, 1965, Fredericksburg, Virginia The same night, approximately twenty minutes after observation No. 20, nine persons saw a top-shaped object emitting sparks which moved up the Rappahannock Valley at a low altitude. Jan. 25th, 3 mi N. of Bedford, Virginia (BB) 10:55 a.m. A person saw an aluminum-colored object of large dimensions fly slowly westward. Five minutes later, two persons at Moneta (10 miles southwest of Bedford) saw a bright cigar flying south to north. Jan. 25, Washington, D.C. 12:45 p.m. five Stoddert School students in Glover Park, near Washington D.C. saw an object resembling 'an airplane without wings'. First described as silver in color, it became luminous and changed from orange to red, then green. Jan. 26, 1965; Brands Flat, Virginia Nightfall. Seven young people were driving (see observation No. 14) when they allegedly spotted a strange looking individual of small height. They pursued him, and two others that appeared, to a wooded area where all sight of beings was lost. Police investigators explored the area but could find no trace of the supposed 'creatures'. Later one of the witnesses and a photographer resumed the search and said they found an aluminum-colored object, when the photographer received a mysterious blow on the head. The two men fled the scene after an attempt to photograph the object. This photo was reportedly "confiscated" by Government agents who are also said to have "silenced" the witness. Jan. 26, 1965; Marion, Virginia Evening. The Marion police received numerous telephone calls concerning a stationary object described by Rev. Preston H. Robinson as circular and showing several lights. It flew away at high speed. Jan. 27-28, 1965; Altavista, Virginia (BB) 1:35 a.m. EST. As reported in accordance with AFR 200-2, one witness observed a bright light the size of a golf ball to baseball held at arm's length. The object was observed maneuvering in an erratic pattern in and around three aircraft (2 aircraft the first night and 1 aircraft the second night) up and down over and above. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Jan. 27, 1965; Plum Tree Island (Hampton), Virginia (BB) 6:00 p.m. EST. A NASA research engineer, A. G. Crimmins (located at Hampton) observed an object that was approximately 75 feet across and 10 to 15 feet in height. The object had 3 to 7 lights colored red and orange. The object appeared to rotate. The object first appeared at an azimuth of 20 degrees and a maximum of 75 feet of elevation. The object moved approximately 1/4 mile west of the original position on a zigzag course and then appeared to land on the shore. It remained fixed for approximately five minutes. The object then took off to the north and then turned right to depart to the east at a high rate of speed. The object was viewed through 20-power binoculars. There were apparently other reports of similar sightings in the same area at approximately the same time. (UFOE II, Section IV). Jan. 28, 1965; Alaska (BBU)
3:30 a.m. (Over a period of 5 days there were object sightings reported throughout Alaska. Sightings were reported from Anchorage, Fairbanks, Cape Lisburne, Northeast Cape, Cape Newenham, Cape Romanzoff, Unalakleet, Indian Mountain, and Fort Yukon). On January 28, at 3:30 a.m. local time, an object was tracked on radar at the same time and direction as visual sightings of tear drop shaped objects. Object tracked on FPS-6 and FPS-20A radars. (Dan Wilson) Jan. 30, 1965; Newport News, Virginia (BB) 8:35 p.m. EST. Five high school students observed a triangular shaped object, size compared to silver dollar held at arm's length. The object was first observed at an angle of 45 degrees and an azimuth of 330 degrees at an estimated 3/4-mile away. The object made a descent to the south and then turned northwest. The object had a white light at the apex of the triangle with an orange light on the left base and a white light on the right base. The length of the observation was 20 minutes (Dan Wilson) Feb. 1, 1965; Tallahassee, Florida (BB) 7:30 p.m. CST. A a grayish purple or bluish object, round on bottom with a saucer domed top the size of a grapefruit held at arm's length, accompanied by faint humming sound with a speed of an estimated 100-200 mph, was seen by 32 to 40 people. The object gave off a phosphorescence. Twelve to fifteen people called the local radio station to report the object. According to the Dept. of the Air Force Incoming Message, the manner of observation was ground visual and air visual tracking west to east and was observed for 4 minutes. The time given in the AFR 200-2 report was 02/0030Z or 7:30 p.m. It was reported that the object was seen by an Eastern Airlines flight over Daytona Beach on the Atlantic Coast and by an airport tower operator at Jacksonville. Later news bulletins were sent out on radio and television that Air Force investigators were in the area and desired to interview all individuals who could furnish information about the UFO. On February 10, Air Force investigators interviewed one witness who described the object as a classic "flying saucer." His testimony appeared to be sincere and reliable. One person estimated the size of the object as 50 feet in diameter. By the time the information was entered on the RECORD CARD the DATE-TIME was given as 02/0130Z and the length of the observation was given as a few seconds. The Project Blue Book evaluation for this sighting is Astro [Meteor]. (Dan Wilson, BB files) Feb. 2, 1965; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland Area At 4:10 p.m. EST, a round or cone-shaped silver object was observed by a weather observer through a theodolite at Richmond, Virginia. The object was moving on an easterly course. The object was picked up on radar. The object was observed south and east of Patuxent River at 5:40 p.m., and over Wallops Island at 5:05 p.m. There were airborne sightings near Baltimore and Washington by two ANG F-86H's at 38,000 feet and two Navy F8C's at 50,000 feet. The object was observed over a period of 2-3 hours or more. (Dan Wilson) Feb. 11, 1965; Pacific Ocean (Bt. Alaska & Japan) Flying Tiger aircrew observed three red oval objects, tracked on airborne and ground radar. Paced aircraft for 30 minutes, departed upward at high speed (UFOE II, Section I). March 2, 1965; E of Weeki Wachee, near Brooksville, Florida (BBU) 1:55 p.m. John F. Reeves, 65, retired, while walking
in the woods saw an bluishgreen and reddish-purple
object 20-30 ft in diameter, 6 ft thick, saucer-shaped
with an outer rim and a stairway, with 2 2-ft windows on
top, landed on the ground on 4 4-ft legs about 2,000 ft
away. He approached to 100 ft. After watching it for 10
mins [?], he saw a robot-like being about 200-300 ft
away, about 5 ft tall, wearing a gray-silver uniform,
glass dome headgear, wide-spaced eyes, pointed chin,
walking to 15 ft from Reeves, stared at him for 1-1/2
mins, pointing a box [?] or 6-7-inch black object at
Reeves that emitted a flash 3 times, then walked back to
the landed vehicle and climbed in. Object had
Venetian-blind-like blades on the rim that opened and
closed, rim started rotating counterclockwise, landing
gear retracted, then it took off with a
whooshing-rumbling sound and disappeared vertically in
< 10 secs, dropping 2 sheets of paper with
indecipherable writing, and leaving indentations and
footprints in the ground. Investigated by MacDill AFB.
(Vallée Magonia 638; etc.) [Note: Richard Hall
supervised the investigation for NICAP and concluded
that it was a hoax] (Brad Sparks)
March 3, 1965; Point au Fer Reef, Louisiana (BB) 10:21 p.m. CST Personnel at the U.S. Coast Guard Station at Point au Fer Reef observed a ball of light hovering over water about 1000 feet above the surface. It then hovered in one spot east of the station then moved back again. When the object departed it headed in a southwest direction at a great rate of speed. It was stated that the object was not a helicopter. The length of the observation was six minutes. (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files) March 4, 1965; Corvallis, Oregon (BBU 9301)
9:23 [6:30?] p.m. W. V. Harrison and his employee
while driving in a car saw 3 yellow-orange spheres or
lights rise rapidly from the ground, several seconds
apart. Next day an oily spot was found at the site.
(Berliner; cf. Vallée Magonia 639)
March 4, 1965; New York, New York (BB) 12:45 a.m. EST. A large elliptical object about the size of a blimp with a fluorescent bluish white color was observed over the Hudson River. The object was at an estimated altitude of 1000 feet and approximately four city blocks away and was stationary. The object had no apparent features, sound or exhaust. The object departed very rapidly towards the WNW. The length of the observation was 5 or 6 minutes. (Dan Wilson) 7:40 p.m. J. H. Martin, instrument maker for National
Bureau of Standards, and 2 others, saw 6 lights fly
overhead slowly [and/or a cigar-shaped object with 2
fixed red lights, fly above them, just missed hitting
the house, disappearing to the NE]. (Berliner; cf.
Vallée Magonia 640)
March 15, 1965; Everglades, FL Bt. 1-2 AM. Hovering cone-shaped object, animal reaction. Witness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye damage. Damaged foliage found at site (UFOE II, Section I). March 21, 1965; near Osaka, Japan 7:00 p.m. local time. A UFO paced one Japanese airliner, disappeared, then chased another airliner. This report is listed in the Vol. II UFOE as March 18, over Himeji, but the UFO Investigator publication says March 21. Yoshiaki Inada, the piloting a Toa Airlines plane with 40 passengers spotted the UFO near Osaka. It was an elliptical luminous object which followed the plane for about threee minutes, then took up a position 300' off the left wing and paced the plane for 55 miles. During this time, Inaba told newsmen, it “violently” affected his automatic direction finder and his radio. He tried to contact Osaka Communications tower, but was unsuccessful. The object disappeared when the aircraft reached Matsuyama in Shikoku. (NICAP UFO Investigator, Vol. 3, No.1; Volume II of the UFO Evidence, Hall) April 4, 1965; Keesler AFB, Biloxi,
Mississippi (BBU 9345)
4:05 a.m. USAF A/2c Corum, weather observer, with confirmation by college student R. Pittman not clear from available data. Saw a 40 ft black, oval object with 4 lights along the bottom, fly in and out of the clouds. (UFOE II, Section I, Berliner) April 10-14, 1965; Misawa AFB, Japan
Night. Unidentified radar targets were observed. The targets direction of travel varied. The targets appeared the size of 2 century type aircraft and targets were observed on PAR and ASR at the same points. The targets were seen on eight occasions on April 14, four times on both search and precision radar. In one instance four targets were visible simultaneously. The radars involved were CPN-18 (S-band) and FPN-16 (X-band) GCA radars. Maintenance checked the radar, it appeared normal. The Chief, Target Branch, 1st Lt. David W Vaughan stated; "In the past 12 years I have observed all types of weather, wind, temperature inversion, false returns, birds, and numerous other objects on radar, but never a target this size, moving with the speed and directions of these." (McDonald list) April 18, 1965; Bernalillo, New Mexico Photos. UFO contactee Paul Villa, claimed to be in contact with space men and space women since 1953 and he produced from 1963 on several series of photographs of alleged flying saucers to prove his claims. The pictures were studied by US Air Force Project Bluebook, by Ground Saucer Watch and others and revealed to they were faked using small models hanging on strings. April 23, 1965; Rivesville, West Virginia (BBU)
8 a.m. Woman saw a 25 ft object land near her house
while she was working in the kitchen. Shaped like a
disk, with portholes, a cylinder about 3 ft high, a
sliding door from which a small being, about 3 ft tall
emerged and jumped to the ground. Its face was not
clearly visible but it had pointed ears, a sort of tail,
was linked to the main object by a cable, wore white
clothing, picked up something from the ground, then
re-entered the cylinder, which slid up into the larger
white disk. Outside rim of landed object started
spinning in a counterclockwise motion with a soft
whistling sound, it then rose straight up out of sight.
(Vallée Magonia 644)
April 27, 1965; McClellan AFB, California (BB) 7:37 p.m. PST. Capt. Garth W. Skouson, Pilot, and SSGT James H. Perkins, Flight Engineer, while flying a EC-121D aircraft at 15,000 feet on a course of 132 degrees at 170 knots at approximately 240 miles WSW of Los Angeles (33 degrees 2 min. N 122 degrees 30 min. W) observed a blue-white round object the same size as a star move across the horizon in a straight line too swiftly for any known aircraft. The object was first seen at 30 degrees above the horizon and 30 degrees left of nose. The object was last seen at 15 degrees above the horizon 60 degrees left of nose. It suddenly disappeared after brightening slightly. The length of observation was 4 minutes. (Blue Book files) May
1965; Philippine Sea (BBU)
9:10 a.m. [GMT? = 6:10? p.m. Local Time?] Crew of
USN ship heading W at 265° at 15 knots sighted
aircraft at bearing 000° [N?] approaching. At 9:14
the SPS-6C air search radar detected 4 targets at
ranges up to 22 miles for the next 6 mins at extremely
high speed 3,000 knots (3,500 mph) and various
maneuvers, viewed through binoculars appeared as 3
lighted objects one of 1st stellar magnitude the
others 2nd magnitude. Objects hovered directly over
the ship for 3 mins as confirmed visually and on radar
by the Commanding Officer, bridge crew and others on
deck. No IFF response, one object to starboard
appeared larger on radar. Objects departed to the SE
at extremely high speed. (Hynek UFO Exp ch. 7, case
May 7, 1965; Oxford, Mich. (BBU
7:30 p.m. M. E. Marshall saw a light, like a satellite, split into 2 parts, one of which was copperish color, then 2 more joined up. One object may have been tumbling. (Berliner) May 20, 1965; Leroy Township, Ohio 7 PM. Six members of the McDonald family saw a silvery-white disc with a row of ports that were about one-foot in diameter. The disc, estimated to be the size of a car, skimmed over the rooftop of their house. At the time of the object’s passage, neighbors noted unusual TV and radio interference. A dog and a tethered horse, both accustomed to aircraft as they lived under the flight path of two airports, showed fear as the disc, making a low buzzing or purring sound, flew over. The dog ran. The horse, with ears back and eyes wild, ran about on the tether. (The U.F.O. Investigator [NICAP], Vol. III, No. 3, June-July 1965, page 5). May 24, 1965; Mackay, Australia. Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site (UFOE II, Section VII). May 28, 1965; Townsville, North Queensland, Australia Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs taken (UFOE II, Section III). June 5, 1965; Lynn/Nahant, Mass. UFOs over GE facility. No data. Antartica Sightings
In June-July, 1965,
three nations maintained research stations at
different locations on the island, and personnel
from all of them were involved in the observations.
Those bases were: the English Base "B"' at Caleta
Balleneros, the Chilean base ("Pedro Aguirre Cerda")
at Caleta Pendulum, and the Argentinian post at
First of May Bay. Seven sightings are provided
June 7, 1965; Antartica
On Monday, at 19:50 hours, the meteorological
officer Jorge Stanich was performing a routine
observation at the Argentinian base. The sky was
completely covered by stratus. The observer noticed
a stationary, bright, yellow light at an altitude of
25 degrees above the horizon, and he estimated its
distance to be 2000 meters (6560 ft). The witness is
rather certain that the duration of the sighting was
5 seconds.
June 8-9, 1965; Turkey (BBU)June 8, 1965; Antartica On Tuesday, at 2:20 hrs, the same observer had
a new sighting under identical circumstances. A
stationary light was again observed for 4 seconds
toward, the NW, with an altitude of 40 degrees
above the horizon. The light was similar in color
to the one detected the previous day and was also
below the stratus cloud deck of 8/8 coverage. The
witness claimed to have heard a grave sound of
hardly any intensity two minutes after the
observation. The distance from the witness to the
vertical of the object is determined to be 1000 m
(3280 ft). According to the observer the angular
size of. the object was like 1 cm at arm's length.
Consequently, the actual diameter at 1300 meters
was 20 meters (65.6 ft). In a second attempt to
estimate the object's size, the witness indicated
that the head of a match (0.25cm) covered 1/3 of
the object.This estimate yields an actual diameter
of 15 meters (49 ft) at a distance of 1300 meters.
From this is was concluded that the actual
diameter of the UFO was between 15 and 20 meters
(49-66 ft).
At 11:45 p.m. local time, a radar site near Ankara
observed returns with some unusual characteristics.
The tracks were of extremely high speed and some of
the personnel at the radar site had seen the object as
it passed over Ankara. There were eight separate
tracks at intervals of approximately 1 hour. The
tracks appeared to originate near 90 degrees and
heading on a course of 230 degrees towards the radar
station. The returns were tracked at speeds up to 3000
mph. The type of radar used was an FPS-88. (McDonald)
June 18, 1065; Antartica
June 29, 1965; Frankfurt, West Germany (BBU) The third incident took place on Friday, and was observed starting at 16:20 hrs by nine witnesses from the Chilean Air Force base. For a total of 25 minutes, a bright and apparently solid object zigzaged from the east quadrant to the south quadrant, and maintained an altitude above the horizon between 35 and 20 degrees. Looking like a very large star, it was white with some orange hues while turning. The sky was starry with very few clouds. (McDonald list)
July 1, 1965; Valensole, France
5:00 a.m. (?) Elliptical object with legs observed on ground, two small humanoids pointed pencil-like device at witness, paralyzing him. Strong physical trace evidence at site (UFOE II, Section, XII). July 2, 1065; Antartica
At 19:15 hrs on Friday, five garrison members of the English Base "B" had a new sighting while doing routine meteorological observations. The witnesses observed a light in the north quadrant, zigzagging, hovering and accelerating at times, and maintaining altitudes between 20 and 45 degrees above the horizon. The light was green and red, at times yellow, and was observed for perhaps 15-20 minutes. The night was starry, with 1/8 sky cover of strato-cumulus and practically no moon. The edges of the light resembled those of a bright star. July 3, 1965; Antarctica (BBU) UFO interfered with instruments measuring magnetic fields. (UFOE II, Sections IV, VIII; McDonald list) July 4, 1965; Massillon, Ohio (BB) 8:40 a.m. EST. A woman named (Fogel?) observed a silver-white circular object in flight from NW to SE at an estimated 1/2 mile or less away. The object which was sharply outlined against a vivid blue sky at a low altitude looked like two plain hubcaps placed back to back. The speed of the object was estimated at 200-300 mph. It disappeared by changing course and flying straight up. The length of the observation was given as approximately one minute. (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files) July 6, 1965; McKeesport, Pennsylvania (BB) 4:00 a.m. (approx) EDT. Mrs. Hill and later her husband observed white unidentified objects in the sky. One object flew from the south towards the north and stopped at approximately an altitude of 45 degrees. Then another object came from the south and caught up with the first object and appeared to become one. Here they hovered for a minute. At this time one light flew back to the south on essentially the same path it had come while the other took off to the north. A pair of 6 X 15 binoculars were used to view the objects. The teletype INCOMING MESSAGE AF IN : 5360, states: PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION REVEALED NO OBVIOUS CONCLUSIONS OBJECT REMAINS UNIDENTIFIED. The length of the entire observation was approximately 10 minutes. (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files) July 6, 1965; Fossil, Oregon (BB) At 9:00 a.m. PST. Mr. Wehrle and a boy age 8 observed three silver cigar shaped objects side by side moving to the SW at a slow speed. The objects were estimated to be 60 feet long and 12 feet in depth. The objects were in sight for approximately two minutes when they disappeared suddenly. On the Record Card under 10. CONCLUSION, it says UNIDENTIFIED, which has been crossed out. The preparing officer wrote, "It is my belief, Mr Wehrle and the boy did observe a UFO". (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files) July 6, 1965; Arlington, Texas (BBU) 10:30 p.m. CST. Two civilians saw a light in the sky to the north that started moving up and down and to the side in very swift movements. An object was painted on Fort Worth radar in the same general area and an F4C aircraft flew to the area but nothing was observed. The length of observation was 10-15 minutes.(McDonald list) July 6, 1965; Kiel, Wisc. (BBU 9474)
9:30 p.m. Mrs. E. R. Hayner saw a flashing light,
like a satellite. No further data in the files.
July 8, 1965; Sunnyvale, CA. Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering white object that undulated, darted here and there, zigzagged, and sped away (UFOE II, Section, V). July 13, 1965; Findley, Bellefontaine, Ohio & into Pennsylvania (BBU) 7:05 p.m. According to the Steubenville Herald-Star of Tuesday, July 13, 1965, an unidentified flying object was spotted Monday, July 12, by thousands of persons over much of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland. Sometime around 7:05 p.m. local time, an object was reported hovering over Findlay, Ohio. This object was picked up on RADAR for a period of 24 minutes. The Bellefontaine, Ohio, Air Station had two objects on radar. Another or the same object was picked up on radar at Oakdale, Pennsylvania, and observed visually near Eastmont, Pa. This object was held on radar for about one hour. Lockbourne AFB, Ohio, sent up a jet plane to get a closer look at the object but could not reach the object reportedly hovering at 60,000 to 80,000 feet. (McDonald list) July 19, 1965; Vaucluse, N.S.W., Australia 5:30 p.m. Domed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took off with sound of rushing air, yellow-orange glow from underside (UFOE II, Section, IV). July 20, 1965; Chesterville, Ontario, Canada Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight (UFOE II, Section, XII). July 22, 1965; Forbes AFB, Kansas
8:00 a.m. CST. Maj. William W. Cory and Maj. Joseph M. McQuaid observed a silver, elongated object that was flat looking as if looking at the side of a dime. The object was approximately 7 degrees above the horizon at approximately 90 degrees azimuth and apparently stationary. No weather balloons or aircraft were reported in the area. The object was in sight for approximately 5 minutes until it became obscured by cloud. (McDonald list) July 25, 1965; Castalia, Ohio (BBU 9550)
9:15 p.m. Amateur astronomer M. D. Harris, 16, saw a
bright blue star cross 90° of sky. (Berliner)July 25, 1965; Truax Field, Wisconsin At 9:30 p.m. local time, a target was picked on an
Army Air Defense Missile (ARADCOM Site C-72 site) radar.
The object was on a SW heading at 100,000 foot altitude
and a speed of over 1000 knots. The length of
observation was 10 minutes. (Dan Wilson)
July 27, 1965; Carnarvan, W. Australia 7:40 p.m. Bull Terrier reacted when an object hovered above car it was riding in. July 28, 1965; Carswell AFB, Texas At 9:40 p.m. local time, a USAF Reserve Major, with a Command Pilot rating and a top secret clearance, with his wife observed a manta ray shaped object fly almost directly overhead at below 1000 feet altitude. The object moved at a constant speed on the same course of 360 degrees. The object was approximately 40 feet long and had two brilliant white lights pulsating off and on once every second. At no time was there any sound. The object flew directly through the Carswell control zone at low altitude.The Major upon returning to his quarters called the control tower. The sighting was verified by three other persons on duty. The report was submitted because RAPCON could not identify aircraft in the area at the time of the sighting. The report goes on to state: "This sighting was a positive observation, under ideal circumstances, of a definite object of an unconventional nature--possibly of foreign origin, which could be a threat to national security." All the witnesses' names have been blacked out on the report. This is not usually done with military witnesses. (Dan Wilson) July 30, 1965; East Coast, United States At 9:00 a.m. local time, one or two objects were observed on ground radar. The motion of the target appears to rule out direct observation, as natural objects would not be able to change directions radically at the observed speeds. (Dan Wilson) July 31-September 3, 1965: Southwestern U.S. Sighting wave mostly in Southwestern U.S. and northward through the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chronology, UFOE II, Section, VIII.) July 31, 1965; Wynnewood, Oklahoma (BBU) At 1:05 a.m. local time, Wynnewood police officer Lewis Sikes reported an unidentified flying object NE of Wynnewood. A little later simultaneous radar fixes were obtained at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City and Carswell AFB, Fort Worth, Texas. Both Tinker AFB and Carswell AFB tracked the object to a point 15 miles SW of Tinker AFB when it disappeared. A few minutes later, it was tracked to a location 29 miles south of Tinker when it was lost again. (McDonald list, Dan Wilson) Minuteman II
Operational in August 1965
The LGM-30F Minuteman II
featured many improvements. It had a completely new
Aerojet General SR19-AJ-1 second stage motor, which
increased range by about 1600 km (1000 miles). Its
guidance unit used solid-state circuitry, and could
store up to eight sets of target coordinates. The
first LGM-30F launch occurred in September 1964, and
the first missiles became operational in August 1965.
During the first days of August, 1965, major
portions of the American Midwest and west were the
scene of numerous sightings of mysterious flying
craft. The night of August 2-3, saw a large number
of sightings by a large number of witnesses and
Santa Ana, California, was the setting the next
morning for Rex Heflin's famous Polaroid images of a
dome-topped UFO zooming across the highway.
Aug. 1, 1965; Ent AFB, Colorado (BBU)
Beginning at 11:45 p.m. MST, 3 to 4 oval-shaped
objects with bright silver glows were observed by five
military personnel and one civilian. The objects
appeared to be 8 to 10 miles apart, then moved rapidly
closer until 4 to 5 miles apart. The objects were
observed for periods of 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 5
minutes. The Air Force wrote these off as being stars.
(McDonald list)
Aug. 1, 1965; Tinker AFB, Oklahoma At 9:08 p.m., four objects, bluish-white with a red haze in color, the size of a pea held at arm's length, were observed visually from the Control Tower. The objects were first seen at 45 degrees elevation and at 190 degrees azimuth. All the objects appeared to be at approximately 22,000 feet. One object was moving south and one object was moving north at speeds of approximately 150 to 200 mph. Two of the objects did not appear to be moving. Information on these objects was furnished to the 746th AC&W Squadron, at the Oklahoma City AFS. They advised radar contact with one object at 10,000 feet in the vicinity of Norman, Oklahoma, located approximately 20 miles south of Tinker AFB. The length of observation was 1 1/2 hours. (Dan Wilson) Aug. 1, 1965; W. of Topeka, Kansas Night. During the night a TWA Aircraft (707) in
flight picked up 12-15 targets on Air-Intercept Radar
flying toward their aircraft in formation at high
speed on 50 mile scope. They changed to 20 mile scope
and observed the objects approaching in formation. The
pilot, co-pilot, and engineer all witnessed this
cleary on the scope. Aircraft passed the objects but
did not see them visually. All parties concerned are
very reputable. They asked that no names be used and
that no publicity be given this sighting. Case
includes 2 films. (Dan Wilson)
Aug. 1 and 2, 1965; Whiteman AFB, Missouri (BBU)
(McDonald list)
Aug. 2, 1965; Justin, Texas (BBU)
Two Tarrant County deputy sheriffs saw an object as
bright as burning magnesium, land as they patrolled near
Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by police
found no traces. (Vallée Magonia 667)
Aug. 2, 1965; Oklahoma City, Okla. (BBU)
Two children saw a brilliant, round object without
wings, close to the ground, in the 600 block on
Northwest 63. (Vallée Magonia 668)
Aug. 2, 1965; Wichita, KS Beginning at 2:30 a.m. unidentified blips showed up on the Weather Bureau's radar screen at the Municipal Airport and continued intermittently until after 6 a.m. Most of the sightings were in the vicinity of Wellington, Kansas. The altitude of the blips ranged from about 5,000 feet to 20,000 feet. At least four Wellington citizens told of seeing colored glows in the southern Kansas sky during the early morning hours. (Dan Wilson. Source: The Hutchinson News, Kansas, August 2, 1965, Pg. 1) Aug. 2, 1965; Sherman, TX 3:00 a.m. Broadcasting stations, police, and other agencies had been flooded with reports for hours. Shortly after midnight a local TV news photographer, Robert Campbell, heard on his radio two police highway patrols discuss reports of an UFO tracked on radar and streaking towards the Texas border. The photographer took his 4x5 Speed Graphic camera and drove into town, where he met the Chief of Police. Together the two men searched for the object, and soon sighted it hanging stationary thirteen miles east of Sherman, on Highway 82. The object's shape was an object with "Mercury capsule" shape at one end, possibly rounded at other end. Several distinct bands around diameter of cylinder, with disc shaped "bosses" on surface. Bands of luminosity. An extrusion of luminosity from one band, and an ejection of an unknown material accompanied the object. He took four exposures, two minutes each at three-minute intervals. The negatives have been carefully examined by Air Force scientific advisers and by astronomical experts. No acceptable explanation has been found for the object recorded on the negatives. (Mark Cashman) August 3, 1965
Denver Post editorial:
"Maybe it's time for more people to get serious about
the UFO question. ... If we still choose to be
skeptical, we nevertheless are not nearly so ready as
we once were to dismiss all reports of variously
shaped but elusive flying objects as products of
midsummer night dreams."
Aug. 2 (3rd?), 1965; Tulsa, OK 1:30 a.m. 14 year-old boy (Alan Smith) took photo. May or may not be a hoax. Date of photo in question (Aug 2 or 3rd). Aug. 3, 1965; Cocoa, Florida (BBU) 11:40 p.m. EST. At least 2 Cocoa Police officers and several other persons observed four round objects the size of a pea held at arm's length in a diamond formation that appeared to be stationary in the sky. The objects were colored orange, white or green during the period of observation. One other object was observed to the west of the diamond formation. One object was seen to leave the diamond formation and move away at a very fast rate of speed and after approximately 30 seconds it moved back into the formation. Two other policemen in front of the police headquarters observed a yellow light with a ring around it at approximately 11:30 p.m. The object bobbed back and forth and appeared to be the size of a 50 cent piece held at arm's length. The object was observed for several minutes. (McDonald list) Aug. 3, 1965; Santa Ana, Calif. 12:37 p.m. Highway investigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid photos of domed-disc UFO (UFOE II, Section, VII) Aug. 3, 1965; Lake Hefner, Okla. (BBU)
Young man saw an object rise from the lake area.
(Vallée Magonia 669)
Aug. 4, 1965; Dallas, Texas (BBU)
1:30 a.m. Man in a car saw a red and blue light,
thought it came from a police car, then was passed by a
huge, orange object flying at ground level.
(Vallée Magonia 672)
August 4, 1965
Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX) editorial: "They can
stop kidding us now about there being no such thing as
'flying saucers. . . .' Too many people of obviously
sound mind saw and reported them independently. . .
.... Their descriptions of what they saw were too
similar to one another, and too unlike any familiar
object"Aug. 4, 1965. Calumet AFS, Mich. (BBU)
USAF radar tracking of 10 targets in V-formation
traveling from the SW at about 9,000 mph over Lake
Superior at 5,200 to 17,000 ft (1-3 miles). Other
targets other Duluth chased by USAF jets. (UFOE II,
Section VII; Todd Lemire; UFOCAT)
August 4, 1965; Abilene, KS
E-M effects on truck, domed disc swooped overhead, hovered just above road, blocked highway (UFOE II, Section, VI). Aug. 4, 1965; Dallas, Texas (BBU 9675)
9:30 p.m. J. A. Carter, 19, saw a light fly fast,
straight and level. No further data in files. (Berliner)
Aug. 4, 1965; Tinley Park, Illinois (BBU 9680)
11:35 p.m. 2 unnamed 14 year-olds saw a light move
around the sky. No further data in files. (Berliner)
Aug. 5, 1965; Chicago, IL to Louisville, KY At 11:04 p.m. local time, two objects were picked up on ground radar at two radar sites at approximately 100,000 feet in altitude. The objects appeared and disappeared on scope with no apparent heading. There were no known air traffic in the area. The length of observation was 45 minutes. The manner of observation was search and height radar. The location of the observers was at Snow Mountain radar site 25 miles SW of Louisville, Ky., and Arlington Heights radar site 50 miles NW of Chicago, Il. According to one document, given the locations of where the objects were first sighted and where they lost shows that the objects moved 620 NM in 45 minutes. (Dan Wilson) Aug. 6, 1965
Cascade (ID) News editorial: "An objective observer is
about forced to the conclusion that there are objects
of some sort appearing in the skies that cannot be
explained by any conventional circumstances. There is
absolutely no reason to deny the UFOs' existence
because we don't understand them."Aug. 8, 1965; Beaver, Pennsylvania 11:30 p.m. Allegedly a luminous UFO was
photographed by James Lucci. According to estimations
by witnesses, the diameter of the UFO was around 13
meters. Lucci, 17, was photographing the full moon
with his brother, John, 23. According to them a
shining object appeared from behind a hill. James
managed to take two shots before the flying object
left. His friends encouraged him to send the photos to
the Beaver County Times, where they were
analyzed and declared authentic. On the image above,
the moon can be seen at left. The analyses by UFO
researchers wasn't so generous.
Aug. 10, 1965; Nashville, Indiana Two discs below clouds observed from aircraft. (Vol. II, UFOI, Hall) Aug. 10, 1965; Seattle, WA. Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silvery, disc-shaped objects that hovered for several minutes, departed upward at high speed one after the other (UFOE II, Section, IV). Aug. 10, 1965; Pacific Northwest
9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky. Aug. 10, 1965; Suffolf County, New York At around 8:50 p.m. local time, a large circular object with over 100 lights was observed at very low altitude in the vicinity of Riverhead, N.Y. by an airman. The object hovered for 5-10 minutes and then flew away towards Montauk. Around 9:15 p.m., at the Suffolk County AFB, a call came in of someone reporting a UFO in the vicinity of Southhampton. A request was made to divert a KC-97 aircraft (AG 506) to make a run on the UFO and try and identify it. This was done with the help of GCA Vectors. The pilot saw the object but was unable to identify it. (Dan Wilson) Aug. 11, 1965; Beaver, PA Dog "went crazy" at hovering disc. Aug. 11-12, 1965; Whiteman AFB, Missouri Multiple objects were seen visually from the ground by observers at building S-35 Base Operations and the control tower. In addition the objects were observed on the base AN/CPS 9 weather radar. Objects moved from north northeast to the south very fast and disappeared to the south. These objects were observed over a period of 4 - 5 hours. They appeared to be at angles estimated to be at 30 degrees to 60 degrees above the horizon. One witness observed a dull red object , oval in shape, at 5 to 10 degrees above the horizon.Some of the observers were 2nd Lt Lee F. Hudson and Staff Sgt Alton W. Badman, both of the of the 8th Weather Squadron. Other observers were control tower personnel. All the observers are considered to be reliable. One witness on duty in the control tower observed an object round in shape and appeared to be the size of a huge star. Object had a spotlight pointing directly toward the ground and another spotlight pointing to the southeast. The object was moving northeast at approx. 10 knots. This object was tracked on radar on both height and search presently measuring 5000 ft. altitude. (Dan Wilson) Aug.12, 1965; Springfield, Ohio (BB) At 11:15 a.m. EST, Major Jack D. Bond, sitting in a passenger seat of a T-29 aircraft observed an unidentified flying object. The aircraft was on a heading of 300 degrees and was descending from 4000 feet to 3000 feet at the time of the sighting. The object was ascending and descending and was slightly higher than the T-29. The object appeared to be 5 to 7 miles away and moving in a general direction of 90 degrees. The object's speed was highly erratic during the 3 ascents and 3 descents that the object made. On its third descent the object appeared to level off and accelerate away at a speed of 600 knots or more. Project Blue Book evaluated this sighting as a Mirage. (Dan Wilson) August 13, 1965
Portsmouth (NH) Herald editorial:
"Perhaps we really do have visitors
from somewhere
beyond our present ken."
Aug. 13, 1965; Baden, Penna. (BBU) 9:30 p.m. [zone ?] 37 year-old civilian had just
put his car in the garage when he saw an disk-shaped
object about 300 ft in diameter, fly in front of the
moon (which rose in the E about 9:30 p.m. EDT at
107° azimuth) on a N heading at about 50 mph about
2,300 ft away, surrounded with orange lights that
weakened as a blue source came on, very intense for
about 3 secs. Then all lights disappeared and a sort of
"shock wave" effect shaking tree leaves ensued.
Witness entered his house and called the USAF, 20 mins
later his vision became hazy, eyes painful, gradually
losing vision in both eyes, and his entire body was
"sunburned." Medical exam compared symptoms to UV
exposure. Vision came back gradually over several days.
(Vallée Magonia 677)
Aug. 16, 1965
Christian Science Monitor editorial: "[UFOs] sighted
early this month over Texas may give scientists
something to think about for a long time. . . . They
give the clearest evidence of all that something
strange actually was in the sky. ... It makes the
clearest case yet for a thorough look at the saucer
mystery."Aug. 18, 1965; Noblesville, IN
Top-shaped object with dome, body lights, hovered over car. E-M case. Aug. 18, 1965; Cherry Creek, New York Bull tried to escape as football-shaped object hovered. Aug. 19, 1965; Cherry Creek / Lockport, New York (BBU 9806) Between 8:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. local time, a momentary target was picked up by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport AFS New York. The target was sighted near the upper limit of the radar. This system had a maximum range of 200 nautical miles and a height-finding capacity of 75,000 feet within an angle limit of minus 2 to plus 32 degrees. (See incident below) Aug. 19, 1965; Cherry Creek, New York (9806) 8:20-9 p.m. (EDT). Mrs. William Butcher, son
Harold, 17, and children [3 students?], heard radio
interference and beeping sound in a barn, went outside
to see 50 ft wide saucer like two plates lip-to-lip
[elliptical?], 20 ft thick, shiny silver or chrome
color with red glowing streamers [reddish vapor
underneath?] and leaving a red-yellow trail, which
landed nearby then rapidly ascended into the clouds
turning the clouds bright green a few seconds later;
burned gasoline odor; farm animals reacted and later
reduced milk production. Object returned twice at 8:45
and 9 p.m. finally disappearing to SSW [or SW?]. Radio
drowned out by static, a tractor engine stopped. Next
day, a purplish liquid, 2 ft x 2 ft marks and patches
of singed grass were found at the site by USAF Capt.
James Dorsey and 4 technicians from Niagara Falls AFB.
Apparent radar evidence discovered. (UFOE II, Section
I; Berliner; cf. Hynek UFO Rpt pp. 170-2;
Vallée Magonia 675, 684; Dan Wilson)
Aug. 19, 1965; Lockport, New York Between 8:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. local time, a momentary target was picked up by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport AFS New York. The target was sighted near the upper limit of the radar. This system had a maximum range of 200 nautical miles and a height-finding capacity of 75,000 feet within an angle limit of minus 2 to plus 32 degrees. (Dan Wilson) Aug. 20, 1965; Plattsburgh, New York (BBU) At approximately 5:26 p.m. local time, a round, flat, disc-shaped object of 15-20 feet in diameter was observed in the sky. The object was circling back and forth in 1/2 mile radius circles with high speed turns. The object was bright metallic colored and was approximately 2-3 miles away from the observer who watched the object with artillery binoculars. The object showed a high rate of acceleration and disappeared to the east after approximately 3 minutes. A sighting was made on the GCA Radar at Plattsburgh AFB at about 5:30 p.m. A phenomena of isolated, high intensity jamming was noted. (Dan Wilson, McDonald list)
Aug. 20, 1965; Pease AFB, New Hampshire At about11:30 p.m. EDT, the Watch Supervisor RAPCON tracked a UFO on a CPN-18 Radar from a position approximately seven miles NW of Pease AFB, to a position approximately two miles NW of Pease. The speed of the object was slow, sporadic at times. The Control Tower had visual contact with the object. The object was observed for about 30 minutes. (Dan Wilson) August 21, 1965
Science editor, Christian Science Monitor: "Flying
saucers are all but literally knocking on the
laboratory door. . . . Something definitely is going
on that cannot yet be explained."Aug. 28, 1965; Glasgow AFB, Montana
9:15 p.m. MST. A round, bright silver object, slightly larger than a pea held at arm's length, was first observed by Capt Hubert R. Martin, a pilot of the 13th FIS. The object was first seen south of the base at an elevation of approximately 10 degrees. The object moved to the north over the base at a high rate of speed. It then appeared to stop and seemed to be moving in a circular direction. Then the object seemed to move up and out of sight in altitude. Other observers were: A1C William T. Stachwoicz, Tower Operator, A2C Edward L. Schmidt, Combat Alert Center Operator, and A2C Jesse J. Allen, Combat Alert Center Operator. There were no weather balloons in the area according to the 9th Weather Squadron. The object was observed for approximately 1 hour and 27 minutes. (McDonald list) Aug. 30, 1965; Urbana, Ohio (BBU
10:30 p.m. M. A. Lilly, N. Smith and T. Nastoff, saw a white ball, 5-8 ft in diameter and trailed by a 2-3 ft light, hit the road 100 ft in front of the witnesses' car, then bounce and fly away. (Blue Book, Berliner) Aug. 31, 1965; Tonopah & Winnemucca, Nevada (BBU) At 9:30 p.m. local time, a green and red
colored, oblong object was seen in the sky
that made stops and starts and made right hand
climbs described as movements not compatible with
aircraft targets. This visual sightings was observed
by more that 15 ground observers located at
Fallon NAS, Nevada. At Tonopah, Nevada, radar
tracked the object at 15,000 feet at a distance
of 150 miles at 340 degrees. Ground radar from
Winnemucca AFS, Nevada, placed the object at
15,000 ft. An observation was also made by a pilot of
an F-102 aircraft. Total length of
observation was 3 hours and 15
minutes. (Dan Wilson)
(McDonald list)
Sept. 3, 1965; Exeter, New Hampshire (BBU 9890) 1:30 A.M. While hitchhiking home in the early hours, teenager Norman Muscarello was terrorized by a large object with four or five bright red lights that approached from nearby woods and hovered over a field near the road. Horses spooked. He went to the Exeter police station, pale and shaken, and reported the incident. Officer Eugene Bertrand drove him back to the field to investigate. About an hour earlier Bertrand had come across a woman parked on Route 101. "She was real upset," he said, "and told me that a red glowing object had chased her" When he was called to investigate Muscarello's report, the earlier incident caused him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Muscarello saw nothing, but when Bertrand flashed a light around the field, a huge dark object with red flashing lights rose up over the trees, moving back and forth, tilted, and came toward them. Sept. 3, 1965; Damon, Texas (BBU 9915) 11 p.m. Brazoria County Chief Sheriff's Deputies
Billy McCoy and Robert Goode saw a triangular object,
150-200 ft long, 40-50 ft thick at middle and dark grey,
with a long, bright, pulsing, purple [violet?] light on
the right side and a long blue light on the left side,
approach to 150 ft off highway and 100 ft in the air.
Purple light illuminated ground beneath object and
interior of police car, and object cast a shadow in
moonlight. Driver Goode felt heat on his left arm and an
alligator bite on his left index finger, suddenly
relieved of pain and later healed rapidly but
unnaturally. They drove away in fear but returned later
that night to find object still there. (UFOE II, Section
I; Berliner; cf. Vallée Magonia 694)
Sept.14, 1965; Langenhoe, Essex, UK
Domed disc descended, humming sound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, witness paralyzed, shock, static electricity (UFOE II, Section, IV). Sept. 16, 1965; Pretoria, South Africa Just after midnight. Constables in police van encountered domed disc on highway, object lifted off emitting flame; tar and gravel road severely damaged (UFOE II, Section, V). Sept. 22, 1965; Clover, Minn. (BBU) 1:50 p.m. CST. The observer saw a steel gray sphere
approximately four in diameter that came out of the sky
and landed about 75 yards away. The object then rose
silently and steeply and disappeared into the clouds.
The length of the observation was approximately 12
minutes. (McDonald list, Dan Wilson)
Sept. 22, 1965; Landis, North Carolina
(BB)8:05 p.m. EST. Roger Bost and his sister sighted two very bright orange objects. They were flat on top and bottom and darker around the middle like two pie pans rim to rim, and sharply outlined. The objects were flying on a straight path to the north. The objects were seen for approximately 45 seconds. (Dan Wilson, Blue Book files). Sept. 25, 1965; Chisholm, Minn. (BBU 9970)
9:55 a.m. Bett Diamon saw 5 orange lights in a row
fly fast and make an abrupt turn. (Berliner)
10 p.m. Dr. George Walton, physical chemist, and
wife, saw 2 round white objects fly side-by-side, at
30-50 ft altitude, pacing the witnesses' car. (Berliner)
Sept. 26, 1965; Licking County, Ohio (BBU) At around 10:45 p.m. a Deputy Sheriff observed a white circular object in the SW sky. The object travelled in an arc from SW to NW. The Control Tower at Lockbourne AFB was notified about the object. The Tower called the aircraft commander of a C-47 and ask him to investigate the object. The pilot was unable to identify the object as an aircraft. No navigation lights could be seen on the object. The Tower observed the object with 7X50 binoculars. The object was travelling at a high rate of speed. The Detroit Air Defense Sector at Custer AFS, Michigan, observed an object on radar. (McDonald list; Dan Wilson) Sept. 27, 1965; Columbus, OH. At 5:15 P.M., scientist saw metallic-appearing, cigar-shaped object that changed course (UFOE II, Section, IV).
Memo from Maj. Gen. E. B. LeBailly, USAF director of
information, to USAF Scientific Advisory Board
requesting a scientific panel to review the methods
and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted:
"Many of the reports that cannot be explained have
come from intelligent and technically well-qualified
individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted."
Sept. 29, 1965; Swanlake, New York (BBU)
(McDonald list)
7, 1965; Edwards AFB, Calif. (BBU)Oct. 1965; Lake Norman, NC Light plane encounters three UFOs over McGuire Nuclear Power Station. Oct. 2, 1965; Salem, Massachusetts (BB) 8:20 a.m. EDT. James Centorino was riding his bicycle and observed a cigar-shaped object that was apparently hovering approximately 15 feet above the three smoke stacks of the N.E. Power Station. The object had a white light on both ends and a slight hump towards the rear and was approximately 20-30 feet long. He was facing ESE while viewing the object. James rode to within 500 feet of the power plant to investigate. At this time the object rose up approximately 100 feet and moved off to the SSW as the lights went out on the object. That evening the Coast Guard and Salem police had received telephone calls reporting a strange object hovering over the power plant. (Reference: Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: INTERPLANETARY VISITORS, page 91-93) Oct. 4, 1965; West Middletown to Poast Town, Ohio (BBU 10066) 6:45 p.m. Mrs. Helen Tucker and 3 teenage girls
driving in a car turned S onto Brown's Run Road and
saw a bright, flashing red and white object, at one
point with sparks shooting off. As they drove W to
Poast Town, the object stopped flashing and appeared
steady red and white (and possibly bluish) and began
moving fast (to the SW?) toward the airport, then it
landed past Carmody Blvd. on the river bank but before
reaching the airport, where it looked like a Christmas
tree (lights?), a winged fuselage object with a
possible cockpit dome, then lifted
Ground radar tracked 12 objects and USAF F-106 pilot
sighted object(s). (UFOE II, Section II; Weinstein;
McDonald list)
Oct. 14, 1965; Sawyer AFB, Mich. (BBU) 7:50 p.m. EST The pilot, Capt. Dewaine P. Jensen, and
co-pilot of a KC-135 tanker observed a sharply outlined
colored light in the western sky on top of an overcast.
At first the light was white and then it turned red and
brilliant red when it accelerated away. The object had
the ability to accelerate rapidly but at first it
appeared stationary. Thinking that the light might be a
Cessna 172 aircraft reported to be lost in the area, the
KC-135 was give permission to descend to 13,000 feet and
investigate. The KC-135 seemed to be closing on the
light. At that time the light appeared to climb and
accelerate away. The effort to identify the object was
discontinued as the light continued to accelerate and
climb away on a SW course. The KC-135 crew stated that
the performance of the sighted object far surpassed that
of any aircraft known to the crew. The sighting lasted
for approximately 5-10 minutes. (McDonald list)
Oct. 21, 1965; St. George, Minnesota (BB) 6:10 p.m. Five witnesses were in the Strauch family car, returning to their homes in Gibbon, Minnesota from a bow-hunting trip. Arthur Strauch was the first to spot a strange object which seemed to be 2000 feet above the ground and a quarter of a mile distant, in the direction of the northwest. After watching for about ten minutes from the car, the group drove down the road about a half-mile and stopped. Mr. Strauch observed it both with the naked eye and through 7x35 binoculars, therefore his description was the most detailed. At first they heard no sound, but then as the object flew over them, Grewe described the sound as a "whistling whine." Strauch, from out of the car, snapped a photograph just as the object began to move. The object then moved into the wind for what appeared to be several hundred feet and then stopped for a few seconds, at which time its lights changed from a bright white to a dull orange, alternating several times. It then moved toward the southeast at a high rate of speed 7:15 p.m. Radio announcer James F. Townsend
driving W on State Hwy 27 found road blocked by landed
silver rocket-shaped object about 30-40 ft tall, 10 ft
wide, after his car engine, lights and radio died, and
he coasted to a stop about 20 ft away. He got out and
saw three small brownish-black "creatures" with "tripod
arms and matchstick legs," no eyes or facial features,
emerge from behind the object, stand underneath in an
intense lighted circle, and stare at each other for 3
mins then they returned to the object. A few secs later
it lifted off and vanished by turning off its lighting
about 1/4 mile up. At that moment the car restarted
spontaneously and headlights came on. No traces found on
the ground. (Hynek UFO Rpt pp. 206-8; Vallée
Magonia 71)
Massive power blackout in northeastern United States at
about 5:25 P.M. (EST). Some reports of UFOs coincided,
with resulting speculation about a possible relationship
(section VII).
Nov. 12, 1965; Undisclosed city in Argentina UFO caused compass on ship to swing off course. Dec. 8, 1965; Tangent, Oregon (BB) Evening. The observer noticed a very unusual red glare on the horizon north of Levanon. Later the observer went outside and all of a sudden a big luminous white donut shaped object was seen very close and headed in her direction. At the same time a big shining luminous loop appeared high in the sky in the opposite direction. Small luminous loops appeared around the area. The big white donut seemed to proceed back to the east somewhat. Slowly it raised higher and eastward. A dense fog moved in later. The night before a round reddish blue object the apparent size of a grapefruit held at arm's length was seen moving slowly high overhead at Rockaway, Oregon. (Blue Book, Dan Wilson) Dec. 20, 1965; Herman, MN Domed disc, E-M effects on engine and headlights, truck spun off road into ditch. Object ascended with whistling sound, sparks from underside (UFOE II, Section, VII). Dec. 21, 1965; Putnam, Connecticut (BB) 7:33 p.m. Northeast Airlines pilot LeBewohl sighted a round unknown object which was described as pink, then orange, then white in color and the apparent size of a quarter held at about arm's length. The object passed directly in front of the plane and after 7 minutes the object picked up speed and disappeared. The pilot was flying a DC-6 aircraft at 10,000 feet on a heading of 260 degrees. The total length of the observation was 11 minutes. (Dan Wilson) |